
God and the Future: Wolfhart Pannenberg’s Eschatological Doctrine of God is unavailable, but you can change that!

An introduction to the theology of Wolfhart Pannenberg. Pannenberg’s extensive works, especially his recently published Systematic Theology, are increasingly regarded as of major importance. Professor Mostert here provides not only a general introduction to Pannenberg’s theology, and many keys to enable the serious reader of theology to access Pannenberg’s individual works, but also sets...

on becoming. It is clear that Pannenberg, by emphasizing temporality as part of the divine essence, is not opposed to an element of ‘becoming’ in God. ‘On the level of the economic trinity, there is undoubtedly an element of development and history within the divine reality itself.’128 Whitehead and Hartshorne did incorporate time into the idea of God, but in such a way as to imply development in God. But the ontological principle of ‘retroactive permanence’ overrules the principle of development
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